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Enhance professionality! Zheshang Venture Capital Co., Ltd. (ZSVC) Holds 2019 Inner Training Session

发布时间:2019年03月05日 信息来源:

In the first week after Chinese New Year, ZSVC choose to enhance professionality by learning. ZSVC holds inner training session in meeting room in the 8th floor of ZSVC center during Feb 12-Feb 14. Yuping Wu, the Investment Director of New Manufacturing Investment Department, Weiwu Zhou, the Senior Executive of Risk Management Department and Xiangdong You, the Executive President of ZSVC act as lecturer. Staffs in Hangzhou Headquarters take part in the inner training.


▲Picture: Training Scene

The first training is held in the afternoon of Feb 12, the first working day after China New Year. The Investment Director Yuping Wu reviews overall trend of capital market in 2018 and makes forecasts in 2019, and puts forward targeted arrangement and relevant investment strategy considering key market and plate. In his opinion, the overall capital market in 2018 is pessimistic and disappointing: the market shows significant beta risk (the major indexes show negative yield whole year); “black swan” incidents happen a lot in this industry; financial explosion in individual stock company surges; decline of market valuation occurs earlier than performance realization. However, the gloomy trend does not mean there’s no shot for capital market, some specific industries and plates smell expecting opportunity in 2019, such as the coming Science and Technology Innovation Board, upgrade consumption plate and leading company in each subdivided industry.


▲Picture: Yuping Wu, the Investment Director

In the morning of Feb 13, Weiwu Zhou with the Risk Management Department shares theme of Financial Due Diligence Investigation Risk and Case Study. Weiwu Zhou points that seven situations in financial due diligence investigation should be noted: large shareholder use capital illegally; assets depreciation; income authenticity; concentrated clients, dependence on single large client; new margin deviates from operating cash flow; profit relies on tax preference and governmental subsidy; capitalization or expensing of research and development cost.


▲Picture: Weiwu Zhou, the Senior Executive of Risk Management Department

In the afternoon of Feb 14, Executive President Xiangdong You researches and shares development status and future trend of “global medical and health product: and puts forward the idea that ZSVC invests in medical and health industry in the future.


▲Picture: Xiangdong You, the Executive President

After three days training, staff friends of ZSVC gain a lot. Everyone exchange thought with each other in training meeting and has deepen understanding in this industry and has laid good foundation for work development after China New Year.

Why water in pond is always so clear? That’s because of flowing water from source that never dries. Enhance professionality! ZSVC is taking action!

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